Conference Papers

Contrasting Worlds or Shared Visions? Carthusians, Dominicans, and the Use of Images in Late Medieval Devotional Practices



Valentina Baradel and Davide Tramarin

Contrasting Worlds or Shared Visions? Carthusians, Dominicans, and the Use of Images in Late Medieval Devotional Practices, paper to be presented at the international conference Carthusians and Images. New Perspectives on Religious Art and Devotional Culture in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Charterhouse (Leuven, KartHuis, 15-17 May 2025), organized by Isabel Barros Felix (UCLouvain, GEMCA), Ingrid Falque (FNRS/UCLouvain, GEMCA), Tom Gaens (Ruusbroec Institute, UAntwerpen), and Naïs Virenque (UCLouvain, GEMCA).


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“Phenomenal Affective Powers… Itty Bitty Meditative Space”. The Agency of the Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux in Light of Their Scale



Valentina Baradel

“Phenomenal Affective Powers… Itty Bitty Meditative Space”. The Agency of the Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux in Light of Their Scale, paper to be presented at the 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS – Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University, 8-10 May 2025), session: Scales of Devotion: Relative Size and Embodied Religious Experience, organized by Rebekkah C. Hart and Cecily E. Hughes (Case Western Reserve University). 

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Sacred Breezes: The Sensorial and Spiritual Significance of Liturgical Fans



Valentina Baradel

Sacred Breezes: The Sensorial and Spiritual Significance of Liturgical Fans, paper to be presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA – Boston, 20-22 March 2025), panel: Sensing the Elements in the Experience of the Sacred (Fourteenth–Sixteenth Century), session I: Fire and Air, organized by Valentina Baradel and Zuleika Murat.

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Liturgical Vestments as Materialised Memories: The Embroidered Mitre for Jean de Marigny, Bishop of Beauvais



Valentina Baradel

Liturgical Vestments as Materialised Memories: The Embroidered Mitre for Jean de Marigny, Bishop of Beauvais, paper presented at the international conference “The Materiality of Sacred Textiles in Europe from Antiquity to the Middle Ages” (University of Padua, 21-22 November 2024).

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A Wood Bone in a Body of Stone. The Wooden Column of San Millán de Suso and Pilgrims’ Sensorial Experiences in the Middle Ages.



Teresa Martínez Martínez

A Wood Bone in a Body of Stone. The Wooden Column of San Millán de Suso and Pilgrims’ Sensorial Experiences in the Middle Ages, paper presented at the conference “Reliquiemurate – allestimenti, segni e memoria / ImmuredRelics – Display, Signs and Memory.” (Bibliotheca Hertziana. Max-Planck-Institut, 27-29 November 2024).

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Elementos sensoriales en los espacios de enterramiento de santos en la Península Ibérica durante la plena y baja Edad Media



Teresa Martínez Martínez

Elementos sensoriales en los espacios de enterramiento de santos en la Península Ibérica durante la plena y baja Edad Media, paper presented at the conference “VI Templa Autumn School. L’església medieval a través dels sentits: matèria, forma, percepció i sensibilitat/ The Medieval Church Through the Senses: Matter, Form, Perception and Sensibility.” (Universitat de Girona, 21-22 November 2024).

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Vivere l’immagine: il linguaggio della devozione nel manoscritto BPL 224 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Leida



Vittorio Frighetto

Vivere l’immagine: il linguaggio della devozione nel manoscritto BPL 224 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Leida, paper presented at the conference “Dialoghi oltre il tempo. Ricerca, confronto, condivisione” (University of Padua, 14-15 November 2024).

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A Stop to Rest and Feel: San Juan de Ortega (Burgos, Iberian Peninsula) as a Pilgrims’ Hospital Managed by Regular Canons Between the 12th and 15th Centuries



Teresa Martínez Martínez

A Stop to Rest and Feel: San Juan de Ortega (Burgos, Iberian Peninsula) as a Pilgrims’ Hospital Managed by Regular Canons Between the 12th and 15th Centuries, paper presented at the conference “Canonici regolari, di cattedrale, canonichesse e le arti nel Medioevo (secoli XI-XV)” (Università di Padova, 29 October 2024).

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Scripture in Many Forms: The Materialization of Preaching in a Sermon of Goswinus Hex (1467)



Pieter Boonstra

Scripture in Many Forms: The Materialization of Preaching in a Sermon of Goswinus Hex (1467), paper presented at the conference Embodied Preaching: Multisensorial Preaching Performances in Medieval Europe (Padua, 24-25 October 2024)

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«Sentimenti del corpo e sentimenti dell’anima»: sensi ed emozioni nei sermoni valdesi medievali



Micol Long

«Sentimenti del corpo e sentimenti dell’anima»: sensi ed emozioni nei sermoni valdesi medievali, paper presented at the 63th congress of the Society for Waldensian Studies “Come si fa una letteratura. Lingue, testi e culture nell’auturnno del medioevo valdese” (Torre Pellice, 5-7 September 2024), organized by Andrea Giraudo (University of Turin). Scientific Comittee: Gabriella Ballesio, Andrea Giraudo, Debora Michelin Salomon, Ottavia Niccoli, Giuseppe Platone, Aline Pons, Gian Paolo Romagnani

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Medieval Mindfulness: The Senses as Tools for Spiritual Formation in an Enigmatic 13th-century Treatise



Micol Long

Medieval Mindfulness: The Senses as Tools for Spiritual Formation in an Enigmatic 13th-century Treatise, paper presented at the conference “The senses, cognition and the body in medieval devotion practice” (Padua, 5-7  June 2024)

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Carved Sensations: Body, Cognition, and Meditation in Netherlandish Representations of ‘Christ Sitting on the Cold Stone’



Vittorio Frighetto

Carved Sensations: Body, Cognition, and Meditation in Netherlandish Representations of ‘Christ Sitting on the Cold Stone’, paper presented at the conference “The Senses, Cognition, and the Body in Medieval Devotional Practices” (University of Padua, 5-7 June 2024).

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Seeing the Word in the Flesh: The Physicality of Late Medieval Preaching



Pieter Boonstra

Seeing the Word in the Flesh: The Physicality of Late Medieval Preaching, paper presented at the conference The senses, cognition and the body in medieval devotional practices (Padua, 5-7  June 2024)

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Materiality, Meanings and Agency of the Mitres of the Sainte Chapelle, Paris



Valentina Baradel

Materiality, Meanings and Agency of the Mitres of the Sainte Chapelle, Paris, paper presented at the 36th CIHA Congress “Matière, matérialié / Matter, Materiality” (Lyon, 23-28 June 2024), session: Dressing Bodies, Dressing Spaces: Challenges and New Approaches to Textiles and Adornment (300-1600) / Habiller le corps, Habiller l’espace: Enjeux et approches aux textiles et à l’adornement (300- 1600), organized by Patricia Blessing (Princeton University), Eiren Shea (Grinnell College), Elizabeth Dospel Williams (Dumbarton Oaks); chair: Maximilien Durand (Musée du Louvre).

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Crowning the Mind: A Sensorial Approach of French Mitres (13th-15th century)



Valentina Baradel

Crowning the Mind: A Sensorial Approach of French Mitres (13th-15th century), paper presented at the conference “The Senses, Cognition, and the Body in Medieval Devotional Practices” (University of Padua, 5-7 June 2024).

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“Warmth is the Grace of the Holy Spirit”: Handwarmers in Medieval Religious Practices



Zuleika Murat

“Warmth is the Grace of the Holy Spirit”: Handwarmers in Medieval Religious Practices, paper to be presented at the seminar “The Materiality of Art through the Senses: Perceptions, Experiences, Knowledge“, coordinated by Marta Battisti and Érika Wicky (Université Grenoble Alpes – LARHRA) Joint session of the ArtIS and Savoirs LARHRA’s research axis Lyon, salle Bollier (MSH) and online, 31 May 2024.

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Sensory Agency and Multimodal Reception of Art in the European Middle Ages



Zuleika Murat

Sensory Agency and Multimodal Reception of Art in the European Middle Ages, paper to be presented at Universität Bern, Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities, at the workshop “Multisensory production and reception of artefacts in historic perspective” on 22 May 2024.

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Touching the Ears, the Eyes, and the Soul: Sensory Experiences in Late Medieval Preaching in the Low Countries



Pieter Boonstra

Touching the Ears, the Eyes, and the Soul: Sensory Experiences in Late Medieval Preaching in the Low Countries, paper to be presented at INOX, University of Sheffield, at the Conference “Senses, Emotions and Experience in the History of Education” on 17 November 2023.

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Materiality, Memory and Devotion in the Medieval World (12th-15th c.)



Micol Long

Materiality, Memory and Devotion in the Medieval World (12th-15th c.), paper to be presented in  the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Seminar Series on 15 September 2023.

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The Multisensorial Dimension of Private Devotion as Attested by Flemish Books of Hours, 14th-15th Centuries



Vittorio Frighetto

The Multisensorial Dimension of Private Devotion as Attested by Flemish Books of Hours, 14th-15th Centuries, paper presented at 30th International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 3-6 July 2023)

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Visible Speech: The Multisensoriality of Middle Dutch Sermons and Preaching



Pieter Boonstra

Visible Speech: The Multisensoriality of Middle Dutch Sermons and Preaching, paper presented at 30thInternational Medieval Congress (Leeds, 3-6 July 2023)

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Performative and Sensory Experiences on Some Vierges en Majesté from Auvergne (France): Preliminary Notes



Valentina Baradel

Performative and Sensory Experiences on Some Vierges en Majesté from Auvergne (France): Preliminary Notes, paper presented at 30th International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 3-6 July 2023).
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Knowing by Touching, Touching for Knowing. Haptic Experiences of Objects in the Spiritual Practices of Medieval Religious Communities



Zuleika Murat

Knowing by Touching, Touching for Knowing. Haptic Experiences of Objects in the Spiritual Practices of Medieval Religious Communities, paper presented at the international conference “(Er-)leben von Spiritualität. Die fünf Sinne in religiösen Gemeinschaften des Mittelalters”, held (in-person) at the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg, Deutschland (14-16 June 2023). 

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Nuns’ Bodily and Sensory Experiences. The rituals of Holy Week in Lichtenthal, between shared performance and individual meditative practices



Davide Tramarin

Nuns’ Bodily and Sensory Experiences. The rituals of Holy Week in Lichtenthal, between shared performance and individual meditative practices, paper presented at the NetMAR international conference “Rituals of Gender Staging and Performance in the Middle Ages”, which took place (in-person) at the University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany (3-4 May 2023). 

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Mind, Body and the Environment in Some Twelfth Century Augustinian Authors From Paris to Scandinavia



Micol Long

Mind, Body and the Environment in Some Twelfth Century Augustinian Authors From Paris to Scandinavia, paper to be presented at the third workshop of the series The Order of St Victor in Medieval Scandinavia, entitled Victorine and Augustinian Influences in the North-East (Aula Magna, Stockholm University, 25–26 May 2023).

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Performative Rites and Sensory Experiences: Practices of Dressing and Undressing Religious Images in Sacred and Secular Environments



Zuleika Murat

Performative Rites and Sensory Experiences: Practices of Dressing and Undressing Religious Images in Sacred and Secular Environments, paper presented at the international workshop “Art and Lived Religion: 800-1800”, which took place (in-person) at the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland (9-11 May 2023).

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Conceptualizing Kinesthesia as A Sense: Its Significance for Religious Experience in 12th & 13th Century Cloisters



Micol Long

Conceptualizing Kinesthesia as A Sense: Its Significance for Religious Experience in 12th & 13th Century Cloisters, paper presented on April 25 at the international conference “The Senses: Present Issues, Past Perspectives”, which will take place (in-person) at Monte Verità in Switzerland from Sunday 23 April to Wednesday 26 April 2023. This workshop, organized by Annette Kern-Stähler, Elizabeth Robertson, Will Brockbank, and Hannah Piercy, is funded by the Congressi Stefano Franscini/ETH Zurich, the SNSF, and the Burgergemeinde.

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Embodiment and the Senses in the Devotional Practices of Medieval Children



Zuleika Murat

Embodiment and the Senses in the Devotional Practices of Medieval Children, paper presented at the Warwick History of Art Research Seminar Series, University of Warwick (online event), 8 march 2023.

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Simulating the Body of Christ: Poly-Material Crucifixes from Italy and the Iberian Peninsula (14th-Century)



Sara Carreño

Carla Bino (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

Simulating the Body of Christ: Poly-Material Crucifixes from Italy and the Iberian Peninsula (14th-Century), paper presented at the conference “Sculptures polymatérielles du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance en Europe et dans le bassin méditerranéen (v. 1200-1500)”, at Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens), 10 november 2022.

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Scenting the Blood of Christ: Material and Immaterial Aspects of Eucharistic Devotion in Late Medieval Venice



Zuleika Murat

Scenting the Blood of Christ: Material and Immaterial Aspects of Eucharistic Devotion in Late Medieval Venicepaper presented at the conference “Performance, Perception and Devotional Experience in Medieval Sacred Spaces”, Universitat de Barcelona – Università degli Studi di Padova – Università degli Studi di Bologna, Barcelona, 13 October 2022

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Tactile Discourse: Material Transmission of Theological Ideas in 14th-Century Castile



Sara Carreño

Tactile Discourse: Material Transmission of Theological Ideas in 14th-Century Castile, paper presented at the conference “Performance, Perception, and Devotional Experience in Medieval Sacred Spaces”, at Universitat de Barcelona,  13 October 2022.

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Liturgical Combs or Liturgical Use of Combs? An Evaluation of Textual and Material Evidence, 10th-13th century



Micol Long

Liturgical Combs or Liturgical Use of Combs? An Evaluation of Textual and Material Evidence, 10th-13th centurypaper presented at the conference “Performance, Perception and Devotional Experience in Medieval Sacred Spaces”, Universitat de Barcelona – Università degli Studi di Padova – Università degli Studi di Bologna, Barcelona, 13 October 2022

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Sensing the Saint, Experiencing the Resurrection: The Shrine of Saint Lazarus in Autun



Valentina Baradel

Sensing the Saint, Experiencing the Resurrection: The Shrine of Saint Lazarus in Autunpaper presented at the conference “Performance, Perception, and Devotional Experience in the Medieval Sacred Spaces”, Universitat de Barcelona – Università degli Studi di Padova – Università degli Studi di Bologna, Barcelona, 13 October 2022.

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The Death of Christ in German Nunneries: Liturgical Spaces and Sensorial Dynamics



Davide Tramarin

The Death of Christ in German Nunneries: Liturgical Spaces and Sensorial Dynamicspaper presented at the conference “Performance, Perception, and Devotional Experience in the Medieval Sacred Spaces”, Universitat de Barcelona – Università degli Studi di Padova – Università degli Studi di Bologna, Barcelona, 13 October 2022.

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The Healing Power of Touch: Gestures, Objects, and Rituals of Salvation



Zuleika Murat

The Healing Power of Touch: Gestures, Objects, and Rituals of Salvation, paper presented at the conference “Forum Kunst des Mittelalters. Sinne/Senses”, Deutsche Verein für Kunstwissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main, 28 September 2022.

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Children in Medieval Christianity: Embodiment and the Senses in Liturgies, Rituals, and Prayers



Zuleika Murat

Children in Medieval Christianity: Embodiment and the Senses in Liturgies, Rituals, and Prayerspaper presented at the conference “The Role of the Senses in Medieval Liturgies and Rituals”, Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali, Padua 22 September 2022.

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Performances of Contrition and Compassion? An Inquiry Into the Development of a Medieval Ritual of Confession in the 13th Century



Micol Long

Performances of Contrition and Compassion? An Inquiry Into the Development of a Medieval Ritual of Confession in the 13th Century, paper presented at the conference “The Role of the Senses in Medieval Liturgies and Rituals”, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua, 22 September 2022.

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Bodily Interactions and Sensorial Engagement in the Performative Rites of Late-Medieval Santiago de Compostela



Sara Carreño

Bodily Interactions and Sensorial Engagement in the Performative Rites of Late-Medieval Santiago de Compostela, paper presented at the conference “The Role of the Senses in Medieval Liturgies and Rituals”, at Università degli Studi di Padova, 21 September 2022.

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“Un bien petit livret d’oroisons”. Sight, Sound and Touch in the “Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux”



Valentina Baradel

“Un bien petit livret d’oroisons”. Sight, Sound and Touch in the “Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux”paper presented at the conference “The Role of the Senses in Medieval Liturgies and Rituals”, Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali, Padua, 21 September 2022.

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El arte medieval a través de los sentidos: una aproximación sensorial a la cultura material de la Baja Edad Media



Sara Carreño

El arte medieval a través de los sentidos: una aproximación sensorial a la cultura material de la Baja Edad Media, paper presented at the conference “MEDIEVO 5.0: Videojuegos, cine y tecnologización en el arte medieval”, at Universidad de León, 1 July 2022.

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Evvi un odore mirabile, che ne pigliai devozione grandissima: corpi santi e casse reliquiario a Venezia fra XII e XV secolo



Zuleika Murat

Evvi un odore mirabile, che ne pigliai devozione grandissima: corpi santi e casse reliquiario a Venezia fra XII e XV secolo, paper presented at the conference “Corpi santi e reliquiari in Italia dal XIII al XIX secolo”, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, 18 May 2022.

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‘When the Bell Flies to Rome’. The Sounds of Darkness and the Liturgy of Tenebrae in the Middle Ages



Valentina Baradel

‘When the Bell Flies to Rome’. The Sounds of Darkness and the Liturgy of Tenebrae in the Middle Ages, paper presented at the conference “Rhythms and Resonances. Sounding Objects in the Middle Ages”, DFK – Deutsches Forum Für Kunstgeschichte/Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris, 18 May 2022.

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Medieval Performances at the Finis Terrae: Liturgical Dramatisations and Images in Galicia (Iberian Peninsula)



Sara Carreño

Medieval Performances at the Finis Terrae: Liturgical Dramatisations and Images in Galicia (Iberian Peninsula), paper presented online at the “57th International Congress on Medieval Studies – Kalamazoo”, hosted by the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University. Session: ‘Performance in the Global Middle Ages’, organised by Christopher Swift (New York City College of Technology, CUNY) and sponsored by Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society (MRDS). 9 May 2022.

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Doni di oggetti personali come strategia comunicativa dell’élite religiosa nel pieno Medioevo



Micol Long

Doni di oggetti personali come strategia comunicativa dell’élite religiosa nel pieno Medioevo, paper presented in the seminar series of the MOHU – Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility & Humanities, Università di Padova, Padua, 27 april 2022.

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Sensory Impairment and the Experience of Early Modern Art



Zuleika Murat

Sensory Impairment and the Experience of Early Modern Art, paper presented at the panel “Sensory Experiences and Early Modern Objects”, 68 Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Dublin, 2 April 2022.

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L’otium monastique entre méditation et création littéraire d’après les témoignages de membres de l’élite monastique du onzième et douzième siècle



Micol Long

L’otium monastique entre méditation et création littéraire d’après les témoignages de membres de l’élite monastique du onzième et douzième siècle, paper presented at the conference “Les intellectuels travaillent-ils (2) ? L’otium de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne”, Centre TELEMMe (Temps, espaces, langages, Europe méridionale, Méditerranée), Université d’Aix-Marseille/ CNRS, 18 March 2022

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Luci, suoni, profumi: l’immaterialità della devozione nel medioevo europeo



Zuleika Murat

Luci, suoni, profumi: l’immaterialità della devozione nel medioevo europeo, paper presented at the conference “Oltre la vista: ‘sentire’ le immagini”, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Dipartimento delle Arti, Bologna, 21 December 2021.

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Hidden invitations. On the use of the notion of affordance to study medieval gift-giving



Micol Long

Hidden invitations. On the use of the notion of affordance to study medieval gift-giving, paper presented at the Symposium “The Cognitive Turn in History”, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Nederland), November 5, 2021.

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Percezione, memoria, e citazione: il ruolo dei sensi nelle pratiche spirituali del medioevo europeo



Zuleika Murat

Percezione, memoria, e citazione: il ruolo dei sensi nelle pratiche spirituali del medioevo europeo, paper presented at the doctoral seminar cycle “Memoria e citazione”, Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali, Padua, 25 October 2021.

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Sensing the Ritual: Performances, Miracles, and Wonders in 14th-century Venetian Wood Caskets



Zuleika Murat

Sensing the Ritual: Performances, Miracles, and Wonders in 14th-century Venetian Wood Caskets, paper presented at the conference “Pré-former/Performer. Sources et catégories pour l’étude de la performance et rituel (Moyen Âge et première Modernité)”, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Nouve, 6 October 2021.

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Materiality, Naturalism, and Animation in the 14th-century Santos Cristos of Ourense and Fisterra (Galicia)



Sara Carreño

Materiality, Naturalism, and Animation in the 14th-century Santos Cristos of Ourense and Fisterra (Galicia), paper presented at the conference “What Does Animation Mean in the Middle Ages? Theoretical and Historical Approaches”, 17 September 2021.

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