SenSArt Seminars on Medieval Art, Religion and Culture (a.y. 2024-2025)
Padua, Palazzo Liviano, Aula Diano/Sala Sartori, 5.00 pm
30 October, 5.00 pm, Aula Diano: Liturgy, Light, and Soundscapes in Medieval Europe
Zorana Djordjevic (Universitat de Barcelona), Sacred Soundscapes of Medieval Europe: Multidisciplinary Challenges and Significance
Giosuè Fabiano (Università Bocconi Milano), Seeing Time: Natural Light and the Rhythms of Liturgy in the Medieval Church
Valentina Baradel (Università di Padova), Artificial Light, the Liturgy of Tenebrae and its Sounding Objects in the Middle Ages
4 December, 5.00 pm, Sala Sartori: The Emotional Impact of Medieval Sacred Spaces and their Furnishings
Juliana Dresvina (University of Oxford), Monks’ Tails: Misericords and a Formation of Emotional Communities
Micol Long, (Università di Padova), Feeling Unseen: An Inquiry into the Emotions and Sensations Connected with Architectural Elements Hiding from Sight in the 12th century.
9 April, 5.00 pm, Sala Sartori: Medieval Architectural Spaces and Water in the Iberian Peninsula; A Necessary Conversation
Eduardo Carrero Santamaría (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Streams in the Church. Dealing with Water in the Religious Architecture of Medieval Iberia
Teresa Martínez Martínez (Università di Padova), The Presence of Water Sources within Medieval Iberian Architecture; a Sensorial and Material Exploration.
28 May, 5.00 pm, Sala Sartori: La materialità e i suoi significati nel Medioevo: il cristallo di rocca
Stefania Gerevini (Università Bocconi Milano), Antinomie: il cristallo di rocca nell’arte medievale
Davide Tramarin (Università di Padova), Sentire la Generazione Eterna. Il cristallo di rocca nella Visitazione del Metropolitan Museum di New York.
To attend online please send an email to
Organised by Zuleika Murat, Valentina Baradel, Micol Long, Teresa Martínez Martínez, Davide Tramarin
Sponsored by the ERC StG Project “The Sensuous Appeal of the Holy. Sensory Agency of Sacred Art and Somatised Spiritual Experiences in Medieval Europe (12th-15th century) – SenSArt”. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 950248).